Bishop's Role
Preparation process
Preparation Process for the Consecration of Virgins Living in the World
Prepared by the United States Association of Consecrated Virgins
15 September 2000, Our Lady of Sorrows
Bishop's Role
The Diocesan Bishop
Before the Preparation Period of the Candidate
* The diocesan bishop is to decide if the applicant is suitable to begin preparation to receive the Consecration of a Virgin for a Woman Living in the World. He will take care in admitting individuals to the preparation process. Only a virgin who by her age, prudence, and universally approved character, and who gives assurance of perseverance in a life of virginity lived in the world should be allowed to receive the Consecration.
* In collaboration with the candidate, he will decide on the conditions under which she will undertake a life of perpetual virginity lived in the world, in accord with her life's circumstances, health, occupation, individual talents and interests. He will also decide with her when they will have their regular meetings and whether he wishes to have any reports from her.
* The diocesan bishop will see to it that a suitable preparation process is available for the candidate.
* He will be able to suggest the names of possible spiritual directors in the diocese, if she does not know any who are knowledgeable about the Consecration of a Virgin for a Woman Living in the World.
* He will be aware that the preparation for the Consecration of a Virgin Living in the World is not identical to that which some candidates may have received elsewhere in their spiritual life; therefore, he will be sure that the candidate understands the nature of this vocation in the consecrated life. It might be helpful to have available printed materials, videotapes, and audiocassette tapes that the United States Association of Consecrated Virgins has prepared as a service and resource to candidates. She should be encouraged to attend the annual Inquirers Retreat sponsored by the United States Association of Consecrated Virgins. It is understood that membership in the USACV is not required of any candidate or consecrated virgin; however, the USACV is always glad to be of service and to assist voluntarily with educational resources and personal communication.
During the Preparation Period of the Candidate
* He will meet with the candidate early in her preparation process for the Consecration and continue to follow her progress in her preparation for this sacramental.
* The diocesan bishop will make the final decision on whether a candidate, after proper preparation, is suitable to receive the Consecration of a Virgin for a Woman Living in the World.
The Rite of Consecration and after the Consecration
* He will meet with her close to the Consecration date to begin the spiritual dialogue that they will carry on regularly after the Consecration.
* The Rite of the Consecration of a Virgin is reserved to the diocesan bishop. He may, however, delegate another bishop to consecrate the virgin.
* The Rite of Consecration to a Life of Virginity for a Woman Living in the World is to be celebrated in the manner set forth in the Roman Pontifical.