Candidate's Role
Preparation process
Preparation Process for the Consecration of Virgins Living in the World
Prepared by the United States Association of Consecrated Virgins
15 September 2000, Our Lady of Sorrows
Candidate's Role
* The virgin seeking to follow Christ more closely by the Consecration to a Life of Perpetual Virginity is consecrated to God by the diocesan bishop according to the approved liturgical rite. The diocesan bishop may delegate another bishop to perform the Consecration.
* A virgin who aspires to receive the Consecration of a Virgin does so for the sake of a more fervent love of Christ and out of love of her brothers and sisters in the Church and in the world.
* As a consecrated virgin, the individual is dedicated to the service of the Church. Her service will be according to her own abilities, circumstances, talents and charisms.
* The virgin who petitions to receive the Consecration of a Virgin should have already lived a virginal commitment in tranquillity for a number of years.
* Each virgin petitions individually and not as part of a group or formal organization.
* The individual who petitions to receive the Consecration of a Virgin accepts the responsibility to collaborate actively with her spiritual director and preparation coordinator so that she may faithfully respond to the grace of a divine vocation during her preparation period.
* The candidate may freely leave the period of preparation prior to the Consecration; moreover, the bishop or the bishop in consultation with the preparation coordinator can dismiss the candidate.
* Following her preparation period, the virgin may petition the bishop of the diocese to receive the Consecration of a Virgin for a Woman Living in the World. The bishop makes the final decision to consecrate the virgin.
* The diocese assumes no financial responsibility for the support of a Consecrated Virgin Living in the World. In cases where she may be employed by a Church institution, the normal salary and benefits are to be assigned.
* According to the Rite of Consecration, the virgin renews her resolve to follow Christ in a life of perfect chastity and then is consecrated to a life of perpetual virginity in the Church by the diocesan bishop.
* The virgin is to be given a copy of the Liturgy of the Hours and a ring during the Rite of Consecration.
* The spiritual bond between the consecrated virgin and the diocesan bishop should be nourished by their personal meeting, preferably two times a year, but at least once a year.
* The bishop will also encourage other means of communication, e.g., written communication when necessary.
* The consecrated virgin should be considered an integral part of the diocese and can be called upon for prayer and intercession; she should be included in diocesan events for consecrated persons as well as on mailing lists, in vocational information events, and other diocesan events proper to consecrated life.
* The consecrated virgin, on her part, should participate as much as possible, as her circumstances permit, in the full life of the diocesan church.