Becoming a member
Becoming a member
USACV 2023 Annual Member Registration Form (for Consecrated Virgins, Members) Consecrated virgins should complete this form to register as a current year member of the USACV. Members must also have completed a one-time initial membership application form (below.)
USACV 2023 Annual Friend Registration Form
Candidates for the consecration, consecrated virgins in other countries, and all others interested in supporting the vocation of consecrated virginity should complete the Friend Registration Form. Thank you for your support!
USACV Initial Membership Application Form
Eligibility for membership: Consecrated virgins living within the jurisdiction of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops who have received the Consecration of Virgins for Women Living in the World, under the provisions of canon 604 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law.
You may also request that membership applications
be sent to you by mail by writing to:
228 N. Walnut Street
Lansing, MI 48933-1122
Or email