Pope Benedict XVI
Pope Benedict XVI:
From English Weekly Edition of " L'Osservatore Romano" N. 22 May 28, 2008
Personal journeys in holiness at service of all
On Thursday, 15 May, 2008, in the Vatican's Clementine Hall, the Holy Father spoke to 500 consecrated virgins from 52 countries who were taking part in the International Congress-Pilgrimage of the Ordo Virginum, the Order of Virgins. The following is a translation of the Pope's Address, which was given in Italian.
Very Dear Sisters,
I greet and welcome with joy each one of you, consecrated with the "solemn consecration as a bride of our Lord Jesus Christ' (Rite of Consecration to a life of virginity for women living in the world" [RCV] n. 17), on the occasion of the International Pilgrimage and Congress of the Ordo Virginum, for which you are gathered in Rome during these days. In particular, I greet and thank Cardinal Franc Rode for his cordial greeting and his dedication to this initiative, while I address my heartfelt thanks to the Organizing Committee. (Click here to read more)
From the Directory for the Pastoral Ministry of Bishops, April 25, 2007:
104. Consecrated Women.
An inestimable service is given to the Church in countless ways by consecrated women in religious institutes (295), in societies of apostolic life, in secular institutes (296) and in the order of virgins, (297) and it is hoped that in the future this service will expand even further. For this reason, the Bishop takes special care to provide suitable and, if possible, abundant resources for their spiritual growth, their Christian instruction, and their cultural enrichment. (Click here to read more)